Wormhole State Management With React Hooks
React revolutionized the way most of us think about the state. No more binding, no more mess, just a beautiful unidirectional flow of data. It was great. Until your app grew. How the heck do you scale a central store of all app state? Where do you drill all the props? Why does every update go through a bazillion nested layers before it shows? React Hooks enable a new architecture. An architecture where state lives where you need it, business logic is where you use it, and anyone can understand your code without studying the whole codebase. SPEAKER: wizec is a prolific engineer, instructor, blogger, vlogger, conference speaker, and author. He's written many books including ReactForDataViz.com, Data Visualization with D3.js, the work-in-progress SeverlessHandbook.Dev, and ServerlessReact.Dev. He has trained the engineering teams from multiple Fortune 500 companies on React, Redux, GraphQL, Serverless, and other modern web technologies. PUBLICATION PERMISSIONS:
Reactive Conf Organizer provided Coding Tech with the permission to republish Reactive tech talks. CREDITS:
Original video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ7ZDfQ4snc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62AMy1QIpzk