I’m Good at JavaScript, I Swear

Fraud syndrome, better known as impostor syndrome, is a common phenomena where someone feels like a fraud because they think everyone is better than themselves. Working with JavaScript tends to generate this effect on developers, because there is always a new library to learn, and a new framework to master. Despite their experience, every developer that interacted with JavaScript, has found themselves with a confused face while trying to understand the new technology everybody is talking about, just to have it replaced by another one in the incoming months. In this talk, Jose Aguinaga, author of "How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016" and experienced developer (he swears), will talk about JavaScript fatigue and better approaches to avoid the Fear Of Missing Out other than trying to learn everything that comes from HackerNews. From his job in San Francisco, to teaching coding in Bali, Jose will share his personal experiences of working for multiple startups in various cities across the world, and share his views on how to learn the most popular (and unpopular) language in the world. EVENT: jsday 2017 SPEAKER: Jose Aguinaga PERMISSIONS: Original video was published with the Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkgFXFo2WIA

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