GraphQL: The Good Parts

This is a gentle introduction to foundational concepts of GraphQL. In illustrating the core concepts, we gain a greater understanding of what makes GraphQL such a transformative technology, and a greater appreciation for the value it can provide for an application. We will go into some detail of the problems that GraphQL is trying to solve and how it solves them. We will end with a section on integration into an existing backend. This is primarily focused on an existing RESTful backend, but can be substituted to any data storage mechanism, e.g. MySQL, Mongo, etc. We’ll have a number of code examples and repos at the end so you can dive further into some real code powered by both server and client-side GraphQL technologies. Let’s do it! EVENT: NebraskaJS 2018 SPEAKER: Dustin Schau PERMISSIONS: Original video was published with the Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed). CREDITS: Original video source:

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