Full Stack Development
There is often a lot of talk about full-stack development, but with few exceptions such development only touches a subset of the technologies, practices and disciplines that constitute a full stack. The focus is largely on using JavaScript frameworks and databases to create web apps, but device drivers, middleware development and other forms of systems programming are normally missing from the "full stack". This talk, however, has little to do with all that: it actually is about stacks. They appear all over code and computer science, from call stacks to undo lists to common examples for testing and specification. This talk will use the stack as its vehicle to drive through a number of topics of interest and relevance to the modern developer, from state machines to functional programming, from unit tests to concurrency, from lambda calculus to actors, from the code to the real full stack of development. EVENT:
Build Stuff 2019 SPEAKER:
Build Stuff provided Coding Tech with the permission to republish Build Stuff videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJDyfaAc8lc