Configuring Financials: What You Click is What You Get!
Out of the box, the EPBCS Financials module “includes a robust, complete chart of accounts to get you up and running quickly.” But what does that actually mean? You implement features by selecting from dozens of options in the Enable Features screens. That triggers creation of outline structures, web forms and business rules. But, how do you know the implications of your selections? In this webcast we will examine the most significant sections of the Enable Features screens and trace their impact on the resulting Planning artifacts. We will answer the questions, “What happens if I click this?” and, “I need feature X. What do I need to click?” Learning objectives for this session include:
• Configure your plan to use your own custom Chart of Accounts (BYCOA)
• Configure your plan to use best practice driver based budgeting accounts
• Configure your plan to combine your own custom chart of accounts with out of the box accounts
• Configure Direct or Indirect Cash Flow Statements Recorded on 8/18/20 hosted by Ron Moore apart of ODTUG Webcast Series.