Amazon Go to open second US store

Amazon is expanding its checkout-free shopping stores with a second US opening.

The new Amazon Go store was revealed by Geekwire as part of a new office tower in the company’s home city of Seattle, about a mile away from Amazon headquarters.

An eagle-eyed fan spotted Amazon Go branding in a window gap, with stacked shelves and a smart design suggesting that the store is apparently nearing completion

New Amazon Go store

Amazon confirmed the new store in a statement, saying “We are excited to bring Amazon Go to 920 5th Avenue in Seattle. The store will open in Fall 2018.”

The new store is almost twice as large as the original Amazon Go, which opened earlier this year, measuring in at around 3,000 square feet – meaning more room for a wider selection of products.

Amazon had confirmed that it was looking to expand Go across the US as it looks to take on bricks-and-mortar stores, with San Francisco and Chicago earmarked for the next launches.

The news follows Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods last year, giving it an entry into the grocery market, as it looks to offer more than its traditional online shopping experience.

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